Suspect #1
Ms. Jo Rojas Hanzun

Suspect #2
Mr. Crest White

Suspect # 3
Professor Plumhouse

Suspect # 4
Mrs. Envy C. Peacock

Suspect # 5
Chef Green Kahniffee

Suspect # 6
Mr. Oranchew Gil Tee

Suspect # 7
Wehall Vin Han Ahyellow

The Victim
Christina “Pinky” Spears

Working the case
Detective Jay Heartagain

General player card rules for the game:

  1. Each team created from the survey you submitted will be receiving an email which contains your teammates info, as well as, your team’s player cards. One for “alibi location”, “alibi weapon”, and one for “alibi time”.

  2. Each of these cards may or may or may not exclude your player from being on the suspect, and eventual conviction list, and you will not know until all the clues are emailed out!

  3. Once you have your cards, you may exchange or barter, but under no circumstances will you cheat or sneak your way into getting information from any opponent's card.

  4. Pros of exchanging cards with the other teams:

    • You get more information to get you that much closer to solving the mystery!

    • Other teams that are participating in the exchange will have an advantage to knowing more clues before you if you do not exchange.

  5. Cons of exchanging cards with other teams

    • They may exchange a card with you strategically to throw you off course.

    • You may be providing them with the final clue they need to solve the mystery.

  6. Rules for exchanging cards!

    • You must exchange all of your own cards before exchanging any card you received from another team to a 3rd party team. i.e. You are Ms. Rojas’ team…you exchange one of your team cards with Mr. Yellow’s team. You cannot exchange Mr. Yellow’s team card with any other team, until Ms. Rojas’s team discards all of their remaining 2 team cards

    • Once you have discarded of your own team’s cards, then you may exchange without regulation or limits any cards you receive from there on forward.

The main point is you do not know until you try, and your chances of solving it by just waiting on the narrators clues, dramatically drops if you choose not to participate in exchanging.

Clues from the narrator:

  1. The Narrator will be providing 3 clues which eventually will lead to the guilty suspect through the process of elimination.

  2. Clue 1 will eliminate the suspect via their “alibi weapon,” clue 2 will further eliminate suspects via “alibi locations,” and the 3rd and final clue will eliminate all but the final suspect/guilty character from the list via “alibi time.”

  3. The Narrator might need to spice things up if the case starts to stall, so she will also be sending out 2 questions if it comes to it via survey monkey. The team to get the closest answer will be safe from having to expose one of their cards! Those who answer incorrectly may face having to get rid of one of their clues for all to see!

Overall general rules and winner determination:

  1. This game may have some unforeseen situations pop up in which there are no rules explicitly stated in the rules above.

  2. If this is the case, please email to clarify and to come to an agreement on how to proceed.

  3. The winner will be determined by which team’s first guesses correctly: the suspect, weapon, location and time of the crime, by emailing their guess to Because the killer has an advantage of knowing on the final clue a lot faster than the others, winner will include killer’s team (you still have to email me even if you are the killer), plus whomever is the second team to guess.

  4. You get one incorrect guess before being eliminated from guessing further, but you may or may not be punished via submitting a clue card from your team (if eligible), so you want to be sure before you submit your guess!

The winner will be announced at the potluck on October 25th. At that time, the team that won will be competing against each another to win the ultimate detective prize!

*disclaimer - if there are any issues that come up, the game hosts reserve the right to initiate review and make changes/updates to the regulations as they see fit. This is, however, meant to be a fun experience, so please play nice!